
The Pie

So Canadian Thanksgiving has long past and I'm just getting this post up now! Good work Tina. Anyway, back to the point.

This year my contribution to dinner was dessert. This was a hard one for me as I love making dessert and I had just about a million ideas. Also adding to the confusion was an ongoing discussion about homemade vs. store bought pie. I will not name names, but apparently some people believe that a store bought pie is just at delicious as a homemade pie! I beg to differ. So to prove a point I made a pie.

And I won with this ever so delicious Citrus Pumpkin Pie with Grand Marnier Cream.

Crust ingredients ready.

Ice water for a super flakey crust.

I think I still need a little work of my pie shaping skills.

Filling ready.

And mix.

Out of the oven and waiting for dinner to be eaten.

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