
Winter Panzanella

Bread salad, sounds delightful don't you think? It is something that has been in the back of my mind for a few years now, I just haven't gotten around to making it happen. Until two nights ago that is. Here we are in the middle of winter, (if you can call it that) and all I really want is a panzanella salad!! So I made one, a winter one, without a single slice of tomato. I will warn you, this may be the most delicious salad you have EVER had and, it may take you 2 hours to make.

My salad deviated a little from the recipe. I had half of a french country loaf that I used in place of the Panettone, I added a few dried cranberries to make up for the missing fruit. Boiled brussels sprouts have never really appealed to me but I do love them roasted, so mine were roasted. And finally I used mixes spring greens instead of the radicchio. Oh and also I think I changed my proportions a little. Mine was a little more salady and less bready.

The salad ate like a meal and I'm totally making it for dinner again tonight.

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